Month: March 2024

March 17: The Day of the Lord

In Sunday’s Gospel (taken from John 12), we read: “Jesus answered them, ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and

17 de marzo: El Día del Señor

Según el Papa Francisco: “No se puede engendrar vida sin dar la propia. No es posible ayudar a vivir si uno no está dispuesto a ‘desvivirse’ por los demás. Nadie contribuye a un mundo más justo y humano viviendo apegado

March 16-17: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

The Gospel for this weekend, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, includes these words: “Jesus said, ‘it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified

March 15: Look Beyond / Mirar Más Allá

In the final weeks of the Lenten season, the Church offers Gospel readings for the daily Mass (and on Sundays, too) almost exclusively from the Gospel of St. John. One of the common phrases used by St. John is “the

March 14: Love and Gratitude

It has been said that our Jewish ancestors had “a positive genius for complaining,” especially on their long camino (or road) through the Sinai Desert! God pointed out to Moses (in Exodus 32, 7-14) how stiff-necked the people were, how

March 13: Open Our Eyes / Abre Nuestros Ojos

We wouldn’t want to reduce the Lenten season to “an exercise in broadening our perspective,” but there is something to be said for “learning to see the larger picture.” For example, left to ourselves, it is supremely difficult to appreciate

March 11-12: Starting with the Heart

A little girl went to the doctor for a check-up. When the doctor came into the examining room, she waved at him to get his attention. Then she said: “Doctor, I know what you are going to do. You are

March 10: The Day of the Lord

The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare (“Rejoice”) Sunday, from the first words of today’s liturgy. As on Gaudete Sunday in Advent, the Church invites us to experience “the joy of the Lord.” Specifically in Lent,

10 de marzo: El Día del Señor

La Misa de hoy nos recuerda (y nos invita a celebrar) que la Cruz de Cristo es el signo por excelencia del amor de Dios. Es ese amor el que ha cambiado totalmente el significado de ese signo de muerte