Month: September 2023

17 de septiembre: El Día del Señor

Cada día rezamos la oración del Padre Nuestro, puede que varias veces. Y pedimos que se nos perdonen las ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a lo que nos ofenden.  “Lo mismo hará con ustedes mi Padre del cielo, si

September 17: The Day of the Lord

The parables of Jesus often use exaggeration to draw our attention to the moral (or lesson) Jesus wants to share with us. His parables are also often marked by “twists” in the stories, sort of like “surprise punchlines” which make

September 16-17: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

We would never want to point fingers at anyone, obviously, but let’s be honest: we commit sins every day and, hence, we need God’s forgiveness every day. That honest admission might be helpful to remember as we prepare for

September 14: Happy Feastday! / ¡Feliz Día de Fiesta!

Along with the whole Church, we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation (or Triumph) of the Holy Cross. We have the special honor to celebrate this day as our parish patronal feast.

According to John 3, 13-16, Jesus

September 11: Doing Good / Haciendo el Bien

Cuando leemos los Evangelios, siempre es extraño cómo gente fiel, religiosa, y regularmente practicante, como los escribas y fariseos, eran un gran obstáculo para la misión de Jesús. Muchas veces, están disgustados y enojados porque Jesús, por ejemplo, cura

September 10: The Day of the Lord

You may have noticed that, for several months, the Church has provided us with a second reading at the Sunday Masses from a singles source: the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. The Letter was written by St.