Month: August 2023

18 de agosto: Fidelidad y Persistencia

De vez en cuando, nuestros antepasados (el pueblo judío) tenía que escuchar atentamente a Dios para recordar a toda su historia, una historia marcada por la fidelidad y persistencia del Señor. El discurso de Josué al pueblo (en Josué

August 18: Faithfulness, Persistence, and Undying Care

On occasion, our Jewish ancestors needed to be reminded of God’s faithfulness, persistence, and undying care for them. An example of this is found in the Book of Joshua (chapter 24). God Himself speaks to the people, through His

17 de agosto: Profeta de Su Tiempo

En el mes de octubre, vamos a celebrar el quinto aniversario de la canonización del obispo y mártir Monseñor Oscar Romero. Su vida entregada por los más pobres, con valentía y enfrentando el poder que oprimía a su pueblo, nos

August 17: A Prophet of Her Day

Dorothy Day, the founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, frequently demonstrated how she valued each human being as a child of God and, therefore, as important.

On one occasion, a woman came into the Catholic Worker House and donated

August 16: Proclaiming the Gospel

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of our 32nd President, knew how to assert herself. She once left the White House to visit a prison in Baltimore. Her departure was so early in the morning that she decided not to disturb her

16 de agosto: La Presencia Real de Jesús

¿Qué significa esta frase que viene de la boca de Jesus? “Donde dos o tres estén reunidos en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos.” La frase significa que hay una realidad en las palabras de Jesús: cuando

August 15: The Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Today’s Feast celebrates the special place that Mary has in the life of the Church. This place is first of all defined by her being chosen to be the mother of Jesus, His only human parent. This alone gives her

15 de agosto: Fiesta de la Asunción de la Virgen María

Hoy nos regocijamos porque uno de nosotros ha alcanzado su destino definitivo. Hoy es la gran fiesta de María, la fiesta de su Asunción, su “Pascua.”

En la tierra, siguió el camino de Jesús, vivió sin reservas las Bienaventuranzas, y

August 14: St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr

Father Maximilian Kolbe, who died August 14, 1941, was a Polish priest who died in Auschwitz. A theologian and teacher noted for his devotion to Mother Mary, he undertook missionary work in China and Japan before returning to Poland because