Month: December 2021

December 16: A Mid-Advent Challenge

Pope Francis has asked us to consider a mid-Advent challenge: “Learn from St. Joseph how to cultivate spaces for silence in which another Word can emerge, that is, Jesus, the Word. Learn from St. Joseph how to pay attention to

13 de diciembre / December 13: Santa Lucía / St. Lucy

Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de Santa Lucía. Ella nació y murió en Siracusa, ciudad de Italia, y gracias a sus múltiples virtudes entre las que se destaca la sencillez, la humildad y la honradez, el Papa San Gregorio en el

December 11-12: Preparing for this Sunday’s Mass

This weekend’s Advent Gospel (Luke 3, 10-18) speaks of the expected coming of Jesus. His coming was being proclaimed by John the Baptist as he preached by the waters of the River Jordan. After having heard what the Baptist had

December 11: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (observed)

In 1531, a “Lady from Heaven” appeared to a humble Native American at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of what is now Mexico City. She identified herself as Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we are called to live,

December 10: Opening Our Minds and Our Hearts

As twinkling holiday lights and decorations go up on the homes around us, let’s remember that these four weeks leading up to Christmas Day (and the Christmas Season) have a deep religious meaning. As we know, this is a time

10 de diciembre: Abriendo Nuestras Mentes y Corazones

Cuando leemos la Biblia, necesariamente escuchamos su significado desde nuestro contexto cultural y nuestra posición en la sociedad. Pero no podemos detenernos ahí si queremos descubrir capas más profundas de significado.

En los tiempos de Jesús, aquellos sin acceso al