Month: September 2021

September 4-5: Preparing for this Weekend’s Mass

After taking a mid-summer “break” to devote ourselves to John 6, we are now ready to dive back into St. Mark’s Gospel until the end of the Church’s year.

In the person of St. Mark we have the portrait of

September 2: Our Real Vocation

Most of us have tasted failure in one shape or form, perhaps even on numerous occasions. We may have failed to live up to the goals we had set ourselves. Some enterprise or some initiative that we had invested in

1 de septiembre: Pidiendo por la Gente de Afganistán

Quisiéramos pedir a todos los miembros de la parroquia una intensificación de la oración especialmente para pedir a Dios por la paz en Afganistán, país que encara un oscuro futuro tras la toma del poder por parte de los extremistas