Month: October 2020

October 11: Give Me Jesus

As was mentioned in the homily at our Mass this weekend, the grace of God has been poured into the hearts of those who love Him. His own sweet spirit of gentleness and grace has been given to us. In

October 10-11: Preparing to Celebrate the Mass

St. Matthew’s Gospel account this weekend (Matthew 22,1-14) unfolds in the Temple area in Jerusalem. The original audience was the Chief Priests and elders of the people. In case you did not notice, we have been there, with that audience,

October 9: Staying In Touch

In an effort to “stay in touch” during this unprecedented time, Jana Ripley (longtime parishioner and chair of our Administrative Council) has been sending out regular emails. Our website news, blog postings, personal contacts with our “buddies,” bulletins, and livestream

October 7: Wisdom and Guidance from the Holy Father

According to Pope Francis, “The pandemic is changing the world and putting us in crisis. However, it is impossible to emerge from a crisis the same as before. Either we come out better or we come out worse. And how

7 de octubre: Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Estamos a mediados de octubre, ¡mes del Rosario! y hoy celebramos la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.  Desde el principio de la Iglesia, los cristianos rezan los salmos como lo hacen los judíos. Más tarde, en muchos de los

October 7: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

The Church celebrates October 7th as a memorial in honor of Mary as Our Lady of the Rosary. October has also been traditionally known as the month of the Rosary. As we know, the recitation of the Rosary is a

October 5: World Teachers’ Day

World Teachers’ Day is an annual celebration across the globe. It is a day to celebrate the educators who are presently entrusted with teaching our children, youth, and adult learners. It is a day that offers us a chance to

5 de octubre: Fiesta de Santa Faustina

Santa Faustina nació en la aldea de Glogoviec, en Swinice Varckie, Polonia, el 25 de agosto de 1905. Fue bautizada dos días después con el nombre de Elena Kowalska, en la Iglesia de San Casimiro. Sus padres tuvieron 8 hijos

October 5: Feast of St. Faustina

Private revelations and apparitions which have been authenticated by the Church have added greatly to the devotion of Catholics throughout the centuries. However, even private revelations and apparitions authenticated by the Church do not add anything new to the fullness