Month: July 2021

July 8: Healing and Wholeness

A brief reflection for today: where is our security? Are we weighed down by the many things we own? Are we owned by them? How free are we to live a fully Christian life as envisioned by the Gospel (see

July 7: El Papa Francisco / Pope Francis

El Papa Francisco agradeció “por la cercanía y la oración” manifestada con los “numerosos mensajes y el cariño recibidos en estos días” mientras continúa hospitalizado en el Políclinico A. Gemelli de Roma después de la operación quirúrgica a la que

July 4 / 4 de julio: Independence Day

A fitting Independence Day  reflection from St. John Paul’s remarks to America in 1987, during the farewell ceremony in Detroit: “America, your deepest identity and truest character as a nation is revealed in the position you take towards the human

July 3-4: Preparing to Celebrate this Weekend’s Mass

Whereas the crowd in the synagogue in Nazareth  is “astonished” by the teaching of Jesus and moved by His mighty deeds (Mark 6, 1-6), they still conclude that He is unworthy of their loyalty, commitment, and solidarity (all of which

3-4 de julio: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

La escena principal, que San Marcos nos relata (6, 1-6), sucede un sábado en la sinagoga de Nazaret. En Nazaret vivieron sus padres y aquí creció Jesús. Nazaret era un pueblo “sin importancia,” desconocido en el mundo bíblico del Antiguo

July 3: The Feast of the Apostle St. Thomas

Today the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle. Best known for his initial unwillingness to believe the other Apostles in their claim that Jesus had risen from the dead, St. Thomas can teach us a lot

3 de julio: La Fiesta de Santo Tomás

Hoy es la fiesta de Santo Tomás, uno de los doce Apóstoles de Jesús. Recordamos bien sus palabras: “Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos y meto mi dedo en el lugar de los clavos, y

July 2: The Olympic Games

U.S. Olympic gymnast Grace McCallum is bringing both her skills and her Catholic faith to the Tokyo games in July. The 18-year old McCallum does not travel anywhere without her rosary and a special Cross from her grandmother. “She travels

2 de julio: Los Juegos Olímpicos

La gimnasta olímpica estadounidense Grace McCallum es una joven católica que llevará sus habilidades y su fe en Cristo a los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio, a realizarse del 23 de julio al 8 de agosto de 2021. Los Olímpicos son