By Mrs. Marisa Veiga, 4th Grade Teacher, Holy Cross
21 Digital Ideas To Keep Kids Engaged and Fight Boredom
Even during a time of quarantine, there are endless things you can do! This list below includes digital ideas, so it doesn’t include things like doing puzzles, reading a book, playing board games, jumping on a trampoline, snuggling your pet, learning to bake, sewing a new shirt, planting a garden, or creating a comic book. PLEASE do those things anyway!
Core Content Extensions
- Submit your journal reflections to the Oregon Historical Society, which is collecting reflections about daily life in the time of coronavirus. Yours might be featured in the museum for years to come!
- Explore videos about history, science, music, art, and more on Brainpop
- Try a Mystery Science full-length lesson, with video and activities that are easy to do at home:
- Read recent or old issues of Scholastic News, watch videos, and play the Know the News game.
- Read the day’s articles on Scholastic Learn at Home. Some articles you may recognize from Scholastic News, but there are lots of new ones in here.
- If you have a printer, you can print out this reading review packet with lots of good skill practice.
- Practice your math facts on XtraMath, learn more on i-Ready, or try out Khan Academy or Prodigy. Prodigy is very game-like and incredibly fun while also practicing math skills. Khan Academy has a great plan for weekly practice and review of all the major math skills from 4th grade, to help you enter 5th grade super prepared.
- Find out lots of cool facts on Wonderopolis. Everyday there is a new question with pictures, videos, and interesting information about all kinds of different topics.
- Watch animal videos from the Oregon Zoo with fun activities and challenges.
- Read a good book or magazine. If you need free online reading materials, try Epic, Audible, or the Multnomah County Library.
- Learn a new language on Duolingo.
- Practice keyboarding on
- Every Friday Outdoor School posts resources for nature observations, journaling, and online activities. There are topics like pollinators, flowers, trees, and birds
Art, Music, Storytelling, PE, STEM, and Miscellaneous Fun Stuff
- Check out this link to see all kinds of options for art at home, including art contests, games, and tutorials.
- Learn how to make new arts and crafts daily with McHarper Manor.
- The Chrome Music Lab has really cool experiments that help you learn more about elements of music, and you can even compose your own songs.
- Learn how to write stories with Kate DiCamillo (author of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Because of Winn-Dixie)
- Try a 10-week Build It Creative Challenge. Each week you’ll get a creative and fun prompt to try to build something with Legos or other materials.
- Learn computer science and coding at Try Hour of Code if you need a starting place.
- Use GoNoodle to get some exercise indoors with Zumba, dancing, or workouts.
- The Cosmic Kids Youtube Channel has fun yoga and mindfulness activities, including ones based around Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Minecraft!