
Ms. Katie Wilcox

Katie Wilcox Circle Photo

Years Experience: 2 years

Years at Holy Cross: 2

Holy Cross kindergarten
Holy Cross Kindergarten

Learning Corner

Religion- God Loves Us

Math- Ready Math & iReady

Literacy- Journeys Common Core whole group, grammar & writing, and small group lessons each day

Core Knowledge Language Arts phonics & early reading skills

Science- Building Blocks: Weather & Sky, Push, Pull, Go, and Living Things & Their Needs

Social Studies- Harcourt & supplemental materials

Health- Called to Protect, Second Step, Social Emotional learning

Specials: Music, Library, Computer, P.E, Art

What to work on at home...

  • Read, Read, Read!! Read to your child as much as you can. Build their imagination and their love for reading! A great way to start reading more is to set a goal, like one book per day. After a week, try adding another book to everyday. The local library always has great reading programs for these little guys that will make reading fun for the whole family.
  • Identify letters in everyday items and adventures. Your can identify letters on anything from street signs to cereal boxes. Need a fun in the rainy day activity? Spray some shaving cream down on a plate and practice writing letters and numbers with your finger!
  • Explore. Spending time outdoors in nature with your child will open their hearts to exploration and love of the nature around the. The Zoo, The Forestry Center, OMSI, and The Children's Museum are all great places to experience. Talking about the different plants, animals, and bugs at your local park or even your own garden will pump up those observational skills!
  • Go check out that public library and find some new books to try out.
    Practice one-to-one counting. I try to incorporate counting anywhere and everywhere I can. Focus on touching each item you count.
  • Practice writing their name and other letters! We write our name everyday in Pre-K but any extra help at home will help them this year and next!
    Did I mention how awesome reading is?