By Mary Grace Connolly, 6th Grade Ambassador
This article was written by Mary Grace Connolly, a 6th grade student at Holy Cross. Mary Grace is part of our ambassador program at Holy Cross. Beginning in middle school, students have the opportunity to apply to the program where they learn to give tours to prospective families, participate in public speaking events and further develop writing skills and even video production.
Here at Holy Cross we are blessed to have a wonderful music program for all students in Pre-K through 8th grade. Our music teacher is Mrs. Hetherington. She is an excellent music teacher and allows us to do music in many different ways. Whether it’s singing or playing instruments she always makes music class great!
In music class we incorporate other subjects into our learning. Some of these subjects are math, history, and language arts. For example we might learn about the origin of the song we’re singing, or figuring out how many beats there are in a section of the music. We also have creative assignments such as composing our own music.
Music also helps with self confidence. Before our Christmas concert lots of kids were nervous, but after the concert those kids were more confident because we did such a good job.
Music benefits students in so many ways and gives us opportunities that we may not have done. An opportunity that we had this year with the music program is the Christmas concert. The concerts this year were extra special because we were able to play musical instruments for the first time during the concert! All of our Christmas concerts are posted on the school website for everyone to view.