St. Anthony of Padua

From our friends at the Grotto:

Today, the church remembers St. Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan friar of the 13th century. St. Anthony was both learned in theology and a man of great faith. Popularly, St. Anthony is known as the patron saint of lost items. It is thought that this aspect of the saint’s life was due to a book of psalms that was taken from Anthony by another friar. The saint prayed for the book to be returned and it was by the one who took it. The little phrase associated with St. Anthony and lost articles is “St. Anthony, please look around; something is lost and must be found.” Many call upon St. Anthony for assistance in finding a lost article. Many of us lose things each day.

Are we also aware of the important things that can be lost or neglected? Things like joy, hope and faith? Many events, people and ideas challenge us often throughout the day. It can be easy to give into feeling sadness, despair, and doubt when we are feeling challenged with trying to navigate small and great things. But we are reminded that in God’ closeness to us we have an ally who wants to help us in such moments. St. Anthony always preached that hope and help in all of life’s trials were sure signs of God’s closeness to us.

Today, as we feel the burdens of many things, many challenges, and many tasks, let’s be hopeful and ask for God’s help. God will help us see our way through these moments to experience peace, especially when we feel lost.

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