An important part of our Baptismal calling is to support each other in our response to the Lord’s call. We need each other’s example, encouragement and, sometimes, challenge, if we are to walk authentically in the way of the Lord.
Before coming to Mass this weekend, we would do well to think of the people who are a support to us in the living of our Baptismal calling. The Saints, for example, have traditionally played that role in the history of the Church. We look to them to show us what it means to be the Lord’s disciples. Our faith tells us that they can continue to speak to us across the centuries.
But there are living “saints” among us, people who are much closer to us in time and place who do the same for us. They show us the Lord’s way by living that way themselves.
Yet, we are also aware that some people can lead us astray, inviting us to take paths that are not in keeping with our Baptismal calling. They can become obstacles to us, tripping us up as we struggle to follow in the way of Christ. Sadly, we know full well that we can do the same for them. In Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 9, 38f), Jesus shows a strong awareness of these two possibilities: being led faithfully along His path and being led astray. Perhaps this is why He is constantly encouraging us and sustaining us through His Word and Sacrament.
Living as we do, in a culture that is awash with obstacles and stumbling stones to God’s working in our lives, we who seek to be the Lord’s followers need to ensure that we do not become stumbling stones for one another. The Lord looks to us to nurture what is good in each other – and to rejoice always in the workings of His Spirit.