September 20: The Light of the Gospel

“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed…” (Luke 8, 16-18) Jesus came to bring the message of salvation, joy, and hope to the whole world. He didn’t want that message to be concealed or hidden. His desire was that all people would come to know the power and potential of the love of God; that everyone would come to know there are no limits when it comes to the love and abundant grace of God.

Over the centuries, however, many have tried, consciously or unconsciously, to obscure or hide the message. Even the Apostles had moments where they saw others working God’s wonders or sharing His Good news and they responded by trying to quiet them. But the light of the Gospel always leads us forward, it always gives us hope that any and all darkness can be overcome. There have always been people who have arisen to remind us that the light of Christ is meant to burn brightly. St. Francis of Assisi and countless others have reminded us, by way of their humble example, that God is good – all the time – and that we are messengers of His goodness.

The Church is all of us. All of us are responsible for making sure the light of the Gospel does, indeed, burn brightly in the world, even brightly enough to attract others to Christ the Lord.

Let us pray. “O God, you lavish us with your gifts and call us to use them in the service of love. In so doing, we give glory to your name. You inspire us through a heritage that is rich in blessings, you challenge us each day to grow in faith, and you call us to be your partners in spreading the Good News. Fill us with the light of Christ so that our words and deeds today may point to a future that is filled with hope. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

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