Reflection on God’s Holy Word for April 2020

You are invited to reflect on the Sunday readings for April with members of our community. We will gather on April 4th at 9am in the Parish Office. We will be especially  reflecting on Holy Week and Easter during this session. Here are some insights from Pope Francis on Scripture.

It is important to remember that the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver, loves to work through Scripture.

The Bible is not a beautiful collection of sacred books to study – it is the Word of Life to be sown.

We cannot do without the Word of Jesus, the only Word of eternal life (cf. Jn 6: 68), which we need every day.

It would be beautiful to see the flourishing of “a new season of greater love for sacred Scripture on the part of every member of the People of God, so that … [they] deepen their personal relationship with Jesus” (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini, 72).

Take time to change your life with the Word of God. Here are the readings for April:

April 5th: Palm Sunday Processional Gospel: Matthew 21:1-11

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22

Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel: Matthew 26:14-27:66


April 9th: Holy Thursday First Reading: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Gospel: John 13:1-15


April 10th: Good Friday First Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 31

Second Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Gospel: John 18:1-19:42


April 11th: Easter Vigil First Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:2

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104 or Psalm 33

Second Reading: Genesis 22:1-18

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16

Third Reading: Exodus 14:15-15:1

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 15

Fourth Reading: Isaiah 54:5-14

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 30

Fifth Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11

Responsorial Psalm: Isaiah 12:2-6

Sixth Reading: Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19

Seventh Reading: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4

Epistle: Romans 6:3-11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118

Gospel: Matthew 28:1-10


April 12th Easter First Reading: Acts of Apostles 10:34a, 37-43

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118

Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8

Gospel: John 20:1-9


April 19th Divine Mercy Sunday (Second Sunday of Easter) First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118

Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Gospel: John 20:19-31


April 26th Third Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts of Apostles 2:14, 22-33

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16

Second Reading: 1 Peter: 1:17-21

Gospel: Luke 24:13-35

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