Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church!

 ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Santa Cruz!


Holy Cross Church is eager to be a part of your life and have you as a part of our life. We are committed to growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, a daily process that requires prayer, sacraments, discipline and a community of individuals striving for the same goal.

La Iglesia Católica Santa Cruz está muy emocionada de ser parte de su vida y de tenerle a usted como parte de nuestra vida. Estamos comprometidos en crecer a semejanza de Jesucristo, un proceso diario que requiere de oraciones, sacramentos, disciplina y de una comunidad de individuo que luchan por el mismo objetivo.

Mass Schedule

Tues - Fri, 8:30am (Rosary, 8am)    Saturday Vigil, English, 5pm
Sunday, English, 9am
Sunday, Spanish, 12pm

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Become a Member

If you would like to become a member of our parish, please call us at 503.289.2834.

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Building Our Community ~ Blessing Our Future

Now is the time to turn our dream into reality.  Learn more!


Mask use in our parish church is optional but recommended. Masks are recommended in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. If you are sick in any way or even feeling a little “under the weather,” please stay home! Our concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.

What's Happening

September 24-25: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

This Sunday’s Scriptures provide a warning: that the selfish and extravagant use of God’s blessings, like wealth, with no share going to the poor and the needy, is a serious sin deserving eternal punishment. God’s Holy Word stresses the truth that wealth without active mercy for the poor is great wickedness. It warns us against […]

24-25 de septiembre: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

La parábola del rico y de Lázaro (Lucas 16, 19-31) termina por zanjar la incompatibilidad entre el seguimiento a Jesús y el servicio a la riqueza o la imposibilidad de servir a Dios y al dinero. El relato presenta dos estilos de vida: el rico, que se jacta del lujo, de vestidos finos, y de […]

September 23: Pilgrims Passing Through Life

Ecclesiastes 3, 1-11 begins with these words: “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for everything under the heavens.” Although this well-known passage became part of a popular song in the early 1960s, it is part of a longer passage whose overall theme is death, the inevitable end of every life. Life […]

23 de septiembre: Aprecio y Afirmación

Parece que todo el mundo necesita aprecio y afirmación, ¡incluso el Hijo de Dios! (“¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?” de Lucas 9, 18-22) Es alentador darse cuenta de que Jesús se preocupaba por lo que sus propios amigos, hermanos, y discípulos pensaban de Él. También encontramos a Dios, el Padre, afirmando al Hijo […]

22 de septiembre: El Otoño

Hoy marcamos el empiezo del otoño. Aunque las temperaturas no han bajado, ya los árboles empiezan a madurar sus hojas, los días se acortan, y las aves empiezan a emigrar. Todo empieza a cambiar, y pronto los colores llenarán las montañas que lentamente se desvestirán. El otoño es una estación de cambios sutiles y lentos, […]

September 22: Autumn

Today marks the arrival of the season of autumn (or fall), traditionally seen as a period of changes leading to the dark of winter. In Holidays and Holy Nights, the author Christopher Hill points out that for Christians who observe the liturgical year, autumn is actually the beginning of a cycle. He suggests that “the […]