Our Parish’s Response

Keeping Families Together and Helping

Immigrant Children

Our parish’s response includes the following:

Donating to RAICES Legal Aid—Please support the LEAF program to support children through legal help, advocacy, and education.

In the past few month, we took on a mission as a parish.

Our goal was to gather in solidarity and in community to stand up for those children and families who have been separated in their effort to seek safety in our country.

As a parish, we decided on three unified responses: raising money for LEAF through RAICES, gathering clothing and toys for the detained children, and praying as a community. Our parish has rallied together in an incredible way and we have seen some beautiful results of this mission.

Thank you to our incredible community for joining together in this faith-led mission. Your generosity will make a large difference in the lives of families who desperately need it.


Money raised for LEAF: $4,726.00

Weight of clothing donated: over 100 lbs.


Prayer—Please continue to hold these children, their parents, and all involved in your prayers.

Prayer cards are available at the entries of the church for prayer at home.


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