May 29: Memorial Day / Día de los Caídos

What we remember—and honor—on Memorial Day weekend is heroic sacrifice. We acknowledge those who nobly gave of themselves, even unto death, for “a purpose” which they believed was greater than themselves.

Since the days just following the end of the Civil War, Americans have gathered in late May to honor those who died in military service to their country. In this spirit, we can also recall, honor, and pray for all those we know who have “lived lives of service and sacrifice for the good of others.”

Let us take advantage of this opportunity to remember and appreciate those who have died so that we might live … freely. The civil blessings of stability, prosperity, and freedom which we enjoy are a testament to the price which others have paid.

We remember those who have gone before us and pray for their souls: “God our Father, help us remember the willing sacrifice our brothers and sisters have made to defend the freedoms we now experience. They followed faithfully in the way of your Son; please offer them the fitting reward of their goodness by welcoming them into your loving arms. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”.


El Día de la Conmemoración de los Caídos (“Memorial Day”) se celebra el último lunes de mayo. Ese día, fiesta nacional, se honra a quienes fallecieron defendiendo nuestra libertad.

Oremos: “Padre celestial, al recordar a aquellos quienes hicieron el máximo sacrificio por las libertades que nosotros disfrutamos diariamente, pensamos en como ellos siguieron en los pasos de tu Hijo Jesucristo al dar sus vidas por otros. Por favor, acoge en tus fuertes brazos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Cúbrelos con la gracia de tu refugio. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amen.”

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