March 20 / 20 de marzo: St. Joseph / San José

Today marks the (transferred) feastday of St. Joseph, the Husband of Mary. Since the 10th century, March 19th has been the date of this celebration, but is has always been “transferred” to the 20th of March when the 19th falls on a Sunday. The Gospels briefly mention St. Joseph and say that he was a just man, a dreamer, and a “silent saint” who was the custodian and protector of Jesus and Mary, always doing the will of God. It is fitting that we have St. Joseph as the patron of our “Building Our Community, Blessing our Future” capital campaign.

On our present Lenten journey, we are still being called to lead saintly lives by becoming faithful in little things, as St. Joseph was. “Bloom where you are planted” was the favorite advice of St. Francis de Sales. We are also being called to consult God daily in prayer – to know His will and to do it. May we be just, as St. Joseph was, by “giving everyone his or her due.” May the good example of the Holy Family continue to inspire us to be responsible, to be God-fearing, and to encourage one another to walk in the Light of the Lord.

Let us pray. “St. Joseph, pray for us. Illustrious son of David, pray for us. Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us. Guardian of Mary, pray for us. Watchful defender of Christ, pray for us. Head of the Holy Family, pray for us. Protector of the Church, pray for us.”


La Biblia dice que San José es un “hombre justo.” Es un título que las Escrituras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento dan a personas que tratan de vivir fielmente según los planes de Dios. Ciertamente San José jugó un papel importante en el Plan de Salvación de Dios: Dios confió a su cuidado al Salvador Jesús. Experimentó muchas dificultades ocasionadas por tan importante misión, pero pasó la prueba y sirvió bien a Dios, como hombre de fe, generoso, y ciertamente “justo.”

Que ojalá el Señor nos haga sus siervos buenos y fieles, dignos de confianza y justos. Que su bendición venga sobre nosotros y nos acompañe en el camino de la Cuaresma y en el camino de la vida.

Oremos. “Oh Dios, tú encomendaste tu Hijo Jesús al cuidado delicado de San José. Danos la fe de este hombre justo, santo patrón de la Iglesia, para que siempre te escuchemos y te sirvamos en todo lo que nos pides aun cuando no entendamos perfectamente a dónde nos llevas. Haz que, como San José, vivamos siempre cercanos e íntimos a tu Hijo Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.”

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