June 25-26: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Our return to Ordinary Time in the Church Year invites us to ponder this: what does it mean to be fully a disciple of Jesus? This is much, much more than just being what is often understood as a “good Catholic.”

The Gospel for Sunday’s Mass is Luke 9, 51-62. This passage opens with somewhat subtle, but very important hint that this is a critical moment in the life of Jesus. The Gospel text tells us, “As the time drew near for Him to be taken up into heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem.” These words indicate that we are moving into the second phase of Jesus’ public life and the second half of the Gospel.

For St. Luke, the first 8 chapters of the Gospel have been leading to this “turning point.” From here on, Jerusalem will be the focal point of every aspect of Jesus’ life. It will be in Jerusalem that He will show His fidelity to His Father, His willingness to love without counting the cost, and His willingness to go to Mt. Calvary in order to save the world. Jesus sets His face “resolutely” for Jerusalem because He goes there ready to undergo whatever is necessary for His work of redemption to be completed.

It is worth noting that it is also in Jerusalem that the disciples will form a new community to continue the work of Jesus and it is from Jerusalem it will spread to every corner of the world. As we prepare for this Sunday’s Mass, let’s be sure to see how He sets an example and a challenge for our commitment to join in His work. It will also be important for us to see how we can (and must) respond to His invitation: “Follow me.”

Let us pray. “Loving God and Father, keep us true to the way of your Son, that we may leave behind all that hinders us and, with eyes fixed on Him, we may walk surely in the path of the Kingdom, where He lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen”


Parish Announcements for the Thirteenth Sunday of the Year:

  1. Today we join with parishes throughout the Catholic world in supporting the Peter’s Pence special collection. This is an important way for us to share in supporting the Universal Church, specifically by supporting the mission of Pope Francis in reaching out to those struggling and suffering across the globe. Please be generous in response to the Holy Father’s request for our help.
  2. Our parish “plant sale” is offered Saturday from 2 to 5pm. All the proceeds from the sale will go toward getting a permanent bench for the St. Joseph Garden. Thank you for supporting our “garden team.” (special note: the sale will not be offered on Sunday between Masses because of the heat)
  3. This weekend marks our final opportunity to sign the Oregon petition for background checks and efforts toward gun safety throughout the state. Please look for a petition at the entrances of the church.
  4.  Calendar notes: 8:30am Mass on July 4th; Family, Faith, and Fun event on July 6th; Summer Schedule for Confessions – 7pm on Wednesdays (no Tuesday Confessions during July/August). Click on the Bulletin tab on this website for more details.
  5. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry will be open on Sunday at 1pm. If you need food or know a friend or neighbor who does, please drop by.
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