The Scriptures today (especially Matthew 5, 1-12) pose some hard questions for us. In all the world’s craziness, do we seek – and where do we find – what’s truly wise? In all our weaknesses, do we look for – and where do we find – strength that endures? In all the choices we make, what do we value as honorable, as something worthy of our love?
There are many “hot button” issues in the Church today, questions that are argued and debated again and again. But at the root of all these are some that come before all the others. What makes us happy? What is truly honorable and deserving of our esteem? What are the real blessings in life? The Lord answers these questions in the Beatitudes and He invites us to take an honest inventory of ourselves.
In a nutshell, the Scriptures this weekend ask us to look at life through the eyes of God and to see what the Lord sees – and to live accordingly. But if we don’t listen, we will be ignorant of how God speaks. If we don’t look, we will fail to see what the Lord sees. If we don’t align our hearts with God’s, we won’t love as He calls us to love.
Let us pray. “Loving Father, in a world divided by so many things, remind us that we are created in your image, each of us a beautiful reflection of you, each of us your beloved child. Help us to end our conflicts and wars, help us to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation. You have so richly blessed us with life, love, joy, and especially with hope in the midst of despair. Help us to be the light of the world, sharing with others that which we have received – boldly proclaiming the Good News of your love. Through Christ your Son. Amen.”