January 16: MLK / A National Day of Service / Día Nacional de Servicio

As people across the United States remember and honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, his struggle for justice and the dangers it entailed, it provides us with a reminder that the work of God’s people has always required courage. With Dr. King’s historic and courageous struggle for civil rights in mind, let us reflect today on the strength it takes to move from thought and belief – to action.

On what has become the national Martin Luther King Day of Service, generous acts of volunteer service are encouraged. Does an elderly neighbor need help removing branches or leaves from their yard? Does another neighbor need help getting groceries from the store to their home? Is there someone who needs a phone call or a visit – just to give them a lift and brighten their day? Will the workers at the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry need a helping hand this week? Could you gladden someone’s heart by sending them a card through the mail? Be creative. Put your faith into action!

Let us pray. “Lord God, we stand on the shoulders of giants who have sacrificed for the sake of the Gospel message. We stand together, responsible for the governance of your healing ministry, aware of much good work that has been done, and much more we have yet to do. Give us a share of the spirit that guided Dr. King and others like him to be voices for the voiceless. Do not let us settle into silence or inaction, but instead, let us have the courage to do what is necessary for those most in need – those whom your Son Jesus loved the most. By our words and actions, may we become the face of Jesus in our time and place. In His holy Name we pray. Amen.”


For an article on Dreams that Lead to Action:  https://cacatholic.org/article/dreams-lead-action-dr-martin-luther-king-jr


Observamos hoy un día festivo nacional para recordar como respondió el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a la injusticia de su tiempo – no con ira o con violencia, sino con una paz y amor que resiste y vence a la injusticia. El día festivo nos ofrece la oportunidad para conectar con el Dr. King y su enseñanza.

El Dr. King era una trascendente figura en la historia moderna de Estados Unidos por su lucha por derechos humanos y en que tuvo el sueño de un día ver “una nación donde no serán juzgados por el color de su piel sino por el contenido de su carácter.”

Sobre la motivación religiosa para el cambio social: https://www.wordonfire.org/es/articulos/obispo-barron/martin-luther-king-y-la-motivacion-religiosa-para-el-cambio-social/

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