January 16: Hebrews / Hebreos

Have you ever taken the opportunity to read the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament of the Bible? The Letter was originally written for Jews who had converted to Christianity in the first generation of the Church. Those people, our ancestors, suffered a great deal for their faith. For example, because of the persecution they faced at the hands of other Jews, many fled their homes in Palestine and chose to live among the pagans (non-believers). Their universal experience was danger and uncertainty, living like “displaced” people.

Their feelings of “displacement” led to some of the same risks that our even more ancient ancestors experienced in the desert during their long sojourn to the Promised Land: the temptation to turn their backs on God, to seek to chart their own course, and even to abandon their faith. The Letter to the Hebrews, therefore, repeats the Old Testament wisdom from the Psalms: “Harden not your hearts, but continue to trust in the Lord and listen to Him.” Isn’t this a succinct summary of our situation in the world and in the Church today? Don’t we face constant temptations to trust in worldly things and turn a deaf ear to the wisdom of our Creator?

The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that we are being encouraged every day to be open to any new impulses, inspired by God’s personal and loving presence in our lives. If you haven’t done it yet, read it!


¿Hemos tomado la oportunidad para leer la Carta a los Hebreos en el Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia? La Carta se escribió para judíos convertidos al Cristianismo (en la primera generación de la Iglesia), que sufrían mucho a causa de su fe. Por las persecuciones de los judíos contra los cristianos, muchos habían emigrado de su país Palestina, para vivir entre paganos (no creyentes). Se sentían inseguros y amenazados como “personas desplazadas.” Por eso estaban en peligro, como sus antepasados en el desierto, de jugar juegos de apuesta, rechazar a Dios, y quizás abandonando su fe. La Carta nos dice: “No endurezcan sus corazones, sino sigan confiando en Dios y escuchándole.” ¿Acaso no encajan estas mismas palabras hoy la situación en nuestro mundo y en la Iglesia?

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