January 15: Blessed and Gifted / Bendecidos y Dotados

Have you ever tried to imagine how happy and fulfilled our community would be if we just accepted each other mutually and fully as we are? How much delight would we bring to the Lord and to ourselves if we lived without judgment, without envy, not demeaning anyone, and not trying to mold everyone according to our own image and likeness? Living freely as we are is one of the gifts that carries over from the Christmas season and into every day of our lives, all year long. As we have heard often over the last month, gifts are supposed to be opened, appreciated, and used as they were intended. How are we doing when it comes to the gifts the Lord God has given us during the recent Christmas season?


¡Qué feliz sería nuestra comunidad si pudiéramos aceptarnos mutua y plenamente como somos, sin juzgar, sin condenar, sin envidiar, sin despreciar a nadie, y sin tratar de modelar a los demás conforme a nuestra propia imagen y semejanza. Construyámonos unos a otros, con la bendición del Señor.

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