Today kicked off Holy Week 2019 with Palm Sunday. Across our parish programs, Holy Cross Parish’s youth jumped fully into this special week!
In Children’s Liturgy of the Word, our children learned about the Palm Sunday story, followed by the Passion of Jesus. We made donkey puppets to remember how Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem.
In Religious Education, our children put together Holy Week Bags,filled with symbols from the week. The older children guided the younger ones through this process, collaborating and sharing in time together.
At our L.I.F.T. Night with our Jr. High and High School students, we walked as apostles through Holy Week. The teens moved through these days at various locations, taking on the perspective of the apostles and gaining a new view of Holy Week. (Please see photos of our evening below!)
Thank you to our adults and teen leaders for guiding the youth through these events!