“Jesus Christ is Risen today, Alleluia!”
“Where is God when all this suffering is happening? He is present with us, just as he was present with his Son, Jesus, as he hung upon the cross. His presence in times of suffering enables us to see beyond the moment that we do not understand, to a moment when we will find redemption—a transformed way of seeing that brings us closer to Him and thus, to our salvation. This is why Catholics prominently display crucifixes: we recognize that all suffering, like Jesus’ suffering on the cross, has a redemptive aspect. In difficult times, we join our suffering with Jesus’ suffering on the cross and place our faith in the promise of new life.” Excerpted from A Well-Built Faith by Joe Paprocki. Used by permission of Loyola Press. Copyright © Joe Paprocki.
Happy Easter! We have the great joy this day and this season to celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promise of new life! Rejoice in the Lord always!