God Loves Us Beyond Our Fear

“God’s love calls us to move beyond fear. We ask God for the courage to abandon ourselves unreservedly, so that we might be molded by God’s grace, even as we cannot see where that path may lead us.” – St. Ignatius Loyola

As we all know, life in the time of coronavirus is not easy. Like most people, we are doing our best to cope; some days are better than others. But we need to keep reminding ourselves: it is okay to have a tough day; there is always a reset for tomorrow. “God loves us beyond our fear.”

How might we keep our spirits up?

Take a break from the news. We have a responsibility to stay informed about current events, and that is especially true when there are important news stories. But it is okay to take a “news fast” day or weekend and avoid the news for a time. “Doom scrolling” through social media news feeds can be overwhelming. Instead, substitute a fun activity or even one that is not fun, but will make you feel productive.

Laugh! Read or re-read some light fare and enjoy a good laugh. Anything that makes us laugh aloud is prized, especially these days. On a tough day, try Googling “laughing babies” or anything else that you know will make you smile.

Mentally re-frame a challenging situation. Although these days can be hard as we are separated from extended family, friends, and colleagues, there are some positive aspects to the circumstance, especially if we think for a minute. We are fortunate to have access to technology in order to be able to work productively and communicate with our loved ones. It’s great to remember that we’re still free to go outside (at a safe distance from others) and enjoy the warmer weather and the blooming flowers.

Communicate. Call friends and catch up with them. Join the Parish Buddies and regularly phone someone who lives alone or is elderly, to let them know that you are thinking of them and care about them. Write them a card or letter. They will appreciate it and we will rediscover how rewarding it is to connect and  reconnect with people.


Again, life in the time of coronavirus is not easy. Even molded by God’s grace, we may not see where the path leads us. But we can learn and practice healthy ways to make this journey. It’s up to us!

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