February 18: Faithfulness

The Lenten season we have just begun will remind us, throughout the Forty Days and by way of our prayer and penance, that we are called to renew our faithfulness to the Way of the Lord.

We know well that we are immersed in a culture that runs away from everything: we run away from our problems; we run away from our obligations (and give great emphasis to our privileges); we run away from the poor and the needy; we run away from our families in pursuit of our supposed friends; we run away from the honest truth; and we even run away from ourselves. Such is life – and all of this running still leaves us unsatisfied, unfulfilled, bored, tired, and lacking in so many things. The most dangerous “running away” we do is from Christ.

The Ash Wednesday call remains in effect: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” This means that Christ is the One to whom we should be turning, fleeing, and running. His way and His Gospel are the only sources of Life that matter and that we really need.

Let’s remember that faithfulness in any way and to anyone is never easy. It never has been. But when we are faithful to another, we willingly share their joys and their pains, their happiness and their disappointments. When we are truly faithful, we never surrender our peace or contentment, but we become willing to share them with the other, never exhausting them. The same is true when we talk about faithfulness to God. We develop a great desire to share ourselves with God and an openness to God’s sharing His life with us. We dare not forget that God is faithful to His word, faithful to His promises. He walks with His people, carrying out His promise to be ever close to us.

Let us pray. Lord God, you love us and invite us to participate in your life and your joy. Help us to choose you this day and every day. Keep us faithful to the Way of your Son, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.

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