December 29: Feast of St. Thomas Becket

After Thomas Becket became the archbishop of Canterbury in 1162, he had to struggle with spiritual and political decisions that affected the role of the Church in England. He did not always choose wisely, sometimes giving in to the powerful influence of King Henry II, but in the end he picked the right path, taking a stand for justice, and it cost him his life. Today is a good day to examine our own lives and resolve to do more to overcome injustice in the world.

Two articles worth reading today:

Let us pray. Saint Thomas, Bishop, Priest, Martyr, and sacrificial lamb for the Faith, pray for us. You who were a fearless shepherd of the people of God, pray for us to have courage in all the circumstances of our lives, to living according to the light that your example gives to our consciences. May we be faithful unto death, as you were. May we always seek God’s Holy will in our lives. We pray through your intercession for the living and the dead: confident that you who now stand before God’s Holy Throne and will intercede for us and draw us closer to Christ. St Thomas, pray for us that in Christ, and with Christ, we may live and move and have our being. In His Holy Name. Amen.

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