December 2: Seeing with Advent Lenses

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at harvest, as they exult when dividing the spoils.” (Isaiah 9, 1-2)

Although we see with our eyes, not all people are able to see clearly without assistance. Many of us wear glasses, some wear contacts, and others have surgery to assist them in seeing more clearly. Then there are those whose eyes are compromised in ways that they “see” the world through their other senses. Isn’t it true that when our vision is clearer it is easier to watch and be vigilant? 

Advent offers us repeated reminders that spiritual blindness prevents us from seeing what God wants us to see. When we read the Scriptures, however, it’s like putting on a new pair of glasses in order to look at life more clearly. Often we want to see things through our own perspective rather than looking through the lens of the Gospels … which always challenge us to change our ways.

Let us pray. “Lord our God, we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ: He is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples, He is the wisdom that teaches and guides us, He is the Savior of every nation. We beg you, let your blessing come upon us as we make this Advent journey. May all the lights which grace these days and nights be signs of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation. May He come quickly and not delay. May He help us see the way. In His name we pray. Amen.”



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