
February 12-13: Preparing to “Live” Lent this Year

The Church’s calendar is filled with Saints who lived faithful lives of extraordinary grace. Obviously, they serve as models for us. And they are publicly recognized for their holiness precisely to show us that we, too, can give our lives

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12-13 de febrero: Preparándonos para “Vivir” la Cuaresma

En muchas regiones del mundo la gente celebra el carnaval en los días anteriores a la Cuaresma, con mucho ruido y mucha juerga. Con frecuencia llevan máscaras para la ocasión. Pero mañana comienza la Cuaresma, tiempo para quitarnos las máscaras

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February 11: The Day of the Lord

Most English translations of Mark 1, 40-45 (this Sunday’s Gospel) say that Jesus was “moved with pity” when He saw the leper who approached Him. This “movement” on the part of Jesus has traditionally been rendered “moved to His intestines”

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11 de febrero: El Día del Señor

Estamos descubriendo, gracias al Evangelio de San Marcos, que Jesús era muy sensible al sufrimiento de quienes encontraba en su camino, marginados por la sociedad, olvidados por la religión o rechazados por los sectores que se consideraban superiores moral o

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February 11: World Day of Prayer for the Sick / La Jornada Mundial del Enfermo

Today is observed as World Day of Prayer for the Sick, introduced originally by Pope John Paul II as a way for believers to unite throughout the world in prayer for those suffering from any illnesses. The day coincides

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11 de febrero: Día Mundial del Matrimonio / World Marriage Day

Cada año, la Semana Nacional del Matrimonio de EE. UU. y el Día Mundial del Matrimonio brindan una oportunidad para que la Iglesia Católica se concentre y celebre la vocación al matrimonio y la vida familiar. Este año, la

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February 9-10: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Someone recently suggested that one of the best ways to understand the history of America is to see it as a kind of “leper colony.” Think about these examples from different points in our history. The Puritans who fled England

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9-10 de febrero: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

El Evangelio de San Marcos nos dice, de muchas maneras,  que algo muy importante está ocurriendo con la venida del Reino de Dios en la persona de Jesús. Recordemos que las personas en la antigüedad, del tiempo de Jesús

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February 8: St. Josephine Bakhita / Santa Josefina Bakhita

Today, we celebrate the feastday of St. Josephine Bakhita. Among the greatest (but often overlooked) gifts given to us by God are the many Saints canonized over the years. They are given to us as examples of hope during all

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February 8: House Cleaning

Have you given any thought to Lent 2024? Are you thinking “it’s not  Lent yet?” Are you also thinking “Ash Wednesday is a whole week away, there’s plenty of time?” But how many of us always wait until the last

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