April 27: “The Lord Is Our Hope And Our Salvation”

Do we appreciate how much we need to be saved? In some respects, we have become so self-sufficient and so proud of our accomplishments, that we risk losing touch with the ever-present reality that God wants to rescue us and we do, indeed, need to be saved.

When we occasionally come to our senses, we do well to ask: What ultimate good do all of our accomplishments serve? Are they making us happier and more fulfilled? Are we making for a better life for ourselves and others? Are we aware that nothing we do, really, is done by us alone? Do we appreciate how actively and lovingly God is at work in us and among us?

In an odd way, we need to save ourselves – from ourselves! We need to rediscover humility when we think about our accomplishments and whatever we call “progress.” And so, let us use this Easter season to turn to the Lord in gratitude. He has died and risen for us. He chooses to live in us and through us … and He is willing to rescue us from whatever keeps us from Him. “The Lord is our hope and our salvation.” Psalm 27, 1

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