April 20: Bearing Witness to His Love

“Give us a courageous and willing spirit.”

One of the “proofs,” so to speak, of the Resurrection of Jesus is the complete transformation of His Apostles and other followers. The Acts of the Apostles relates how they began to preach “in the name of Jesus” all over Jerusalem, even though they had been strictly forbidden to do so. Acts tells us that they were not in the least fazed by accusations, persecution, or even imprisonment. The very people who were so fearful at the time of Jesus’ death (and immediately after) were now speaking out boldly. They told their judges: “It is better for us to obey God than men!” (Acts 5)

Pope Francis continues to share many of the riches of the Easter season, including this: “The Lord comes while we proclaim Him. This is what the women at the tomb on Easter morning and the Apostles later on teach us – we encounter Jesus by giving witness to others about Him. Let us put this in our hearts: Jesus is met by giving an active and ‘lived’ testimony about Him.”

The Holy Father adds: “One of the first things those women and the Apostles did was share the happy announcement of the Lord’s rising with their friends and companions. By recalling their example, we somehow make it come alive again for us. How can we remain silent when such Good News has been entrusted to us? Jesus is not only Good News, He is the best news of life. In fact, He is life itself, ‘the Resurrection and the life.’”

Let us pray. “God of hope and courage, you call each of us to bear witness to your abundant love in a frightened world. All around us are signs the world is struggling and the future is unclear. Strengthen our confidence in your unfailing grace and grant us the courage to move onward – even when we cannot see the way, knowing that you will guide our every step. You called your first followers to share the Good News of your love to the ends of the earth. As we follow their example, remind us that all power comes from you and you alone. Give us a courageous and willing spirit so that we may boldly go wherever (and to whomever) you send us. Amen.

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