April 1: Easter (Fifty Days of Joy) / La Pascua (Cincuenta Días de Júbilo) 

The mood of these Easter days is well pictured in Matthew 28, 8-15: “Filled with awe and joy the women quickly left the tomb and ran to tell the disciples.” They now knew that God’s love is life-giving, and that God is more powerful than any evils in the world, especially those we inflict on each other. Easter tells us that we do not walk through life alone. As Jesus says to the women, “Tell the others that they must leave for Galilee; they will see me there.”

As He went ahead of His earliest disciples, so He goes ahead of us to all the places we find ourselves. His Resurrection is life’s triumph over death, hope’s victory over despair.


Celebramos el Tiempo Pascual (cincuenta días en total), con gozo desbordante porque es el fundamento de nuestra fe, el vigor de nuestra esperanza, y la fuerza de nuestro amor. Es verdad, el Señor ha Resucitado y está caminando con nosotros. Y es por eso que en este Tiempo santo, la Iglesia celebra este misterio central de nuestra salvación, desplegando al máximo todo su esplendor, gozo, y alabanza.

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