Month: December 2024

January 1: New Year / Feast of the Mother of God

St. Luke’s Gospel draws our attention today (in 2, 16-21) to the Blessed Virgin Mary, marveling at what had happened, treasuring the events of Christmas in her memory, and pondering them in her heart. The image is that of the

1 de enero: Nuevo Año / Fiesta de la Madre de Dios

Hoy comienza un nuevo año y sinceramente nos deseamos unos a otros todas las bendiciones de Dios: buena salud, bienestar, armonía en la familia, y felicidad… Este día, al celebrar la Fiesta de María, Madre de Dios (y Madre nuestra),

December 31: Resolutions / Resoluciones

While we are prone to make many resolutions at the beginning of a new year, we are a lot less prone to keep them. Fitness gyms, for example, always report a spike in new memberships in January – and then

December 29: The Day of the Lord

While we properly celebrate the Holy Family of God today, we also celebrate “the human family,” called to be holy in every way possible. Let’s remember, however, that “holiness” does not mean “perfection.” Holiness means striving to follow God’s way

29 de diciembre: El Día del Señor

Sin quererlo, la noche y el día de Navidad la mirada se había concentra­do por completo en el Niño. Pero ya entonces se nos recordaba cómo hay otras figuras en el “misterio,” en el belén. Se nos recordaba que había

December 27: St. John / San Juan

It is fitting that the Church celebrates the feastday of St. John the Apostle soon after Christmas Day and within the Twelve Days. The opening lines of his Gospel sum up in a few words what we are celebrating right

December 26: St. Stephen / San Esteban

On the Second Day of Christmas, we celebrate the feastday of St. Stephen, a deacon and the first Christian martyr. At first glance, to join together the memory of the first martyr and the birth of the Redeemer might seem