Month: November 2024

December 1: The Day of the Lord

1 de diciembre: El Día del Señor

30 de noviembre: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

November 30: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

November 30: St. Andrew / San Andrés

November 29: Living in a World Full of Change / Viviendo en un Mundo Lleno de Cambios

November 28: Thanksgiving Day / Día de Acción de Gracias

November 27: Grateful for Every Blessing

November 26: The End / El Fin

November 25: Saint Catherine of Alexandria / Santa Catalina de Alejandría
The Church honors Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a feastday today. She was martyred around 305 in Alexandria, Egypt. Alexandria, in her time, was one of the finest cities in the world and a center of learning and culture – …