Month: November 2024

December 1: The Day of the Lord

The season of Advent arrives this year to remind us, as it always has, that the coming celebration of the Nativity of Christ Jesus (Christmas) is mainly about reaching out to those in need, as poor as that Child in

1 de diciembre: El Día del Señor

Cada Adviento es una oportunidad para revisar la propia vida. Es un tiempo de esperanza, un recorrido espiritual, interior, para vivir con intensidad la presencia de Dios en medio de nosotros … y eso es la Navidad.

El Adviento nos

30 de noviembre: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

Seguimos viviendo en un mundo que produce una gran incertidumbre respecto al futuro. La vida está en continuo movimiento, todo está cambiando, nada es estático. Nos acostumbramos fácilmente a la comodidad, pero cuando más seguros nos sentimos de que nada

November 30: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Happy New Year! The First Sunday of Advent brings us the beginning of a new Liturgical Year. And part of the process of beginning a new Liturgical Year is a reflection on time: the relationship between the past, the

November 30: St. Andrew / San Andrés

St. Andrew was the brother of St. Peter. They seem to have come from Bethsaida, although at the beginning of Jesus’ public life they were in Capernaum, plying their trade as fishermen. From St. John’s Gospel (1, 40), we

November 28: Thanksgiving Day / Día de Acción de Gracias

For centuries, holy men and women have praised God in thanksgiving, as is evidenced throughout the Bible and the writings of the Saints. St. Ambrose, for example, wrote, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.”

These days,

November 27: Grateful for Every Blessing

The days leading up to (and following) Thanksgiving are among the busiest travel days of the year. When we travel, we almost always know our destination and we know, more or less, how much time we need to get there.

November 26: The End / El Fin

Next Sunday will mark the beginning of a new Liturgical Year. That day, the First Sunday of Advent, will launch the new Year and it will be filled with words and images of new beginnings, a fresh start, and “a