Month: September 2024

September 30: St. Jerome

St. Jerome was one of the Patristic “Fathers of the Church.” He centered his life on the Bible: he translated it in its entirety into Latin, commented on it in his works, and above all, strove to live it in

September 29: The Day of the Lord

It seems that competitiveness pervades everything we do these days. And this competitiveness is taught from the time we are small children. Even in our conversations with others, how often are we waiting to respond with our own two cents

29 de septiembre: El Día del Señor

¿Qué es ser profeta? Sin duda que puede ser oportuno comenzar por recordar correctamente qué es la profecía. No están lejos los tiempos en que todos aprendíamos en el catecismo que los profetas eran señores que anunciaban con siglos de

September 28: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

An important part of our Baptismal calling is to support each other in our response to the Lord’s call. We need each other’s example, encouragement and, sometimes, challenge, if we are to walk authentically in the way of the Lord.

September 27: St. Vincent de Paul

When St. Peter answered Jesus (in Luke 9, 18-22), “You are the Messiah of God,” the Lord “sternly ordered and commanded them not to tell anyone,” saying, “The Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected … and

September 26: Day of Prayer

Tomorrow, we will celebrate the feastday of St. Vincent de Paul. He provides some food for thought on our parish’s weekly “day of prayer” before the Blessed Sacrament: “Christ put on the cloak of humanity for His 33 years on

September 25: Called to Goodness

When we take seriously our call to “hand on” the faith to others, especially our children, it can be helpful to remember that it isn’t supposed to be a “complicated” message that we hand on. For example, how can we

September 24: Double Standards

When it comes to the standards by which we hold others up to scrutiny … and by which we hold ourselves to the same, it seems that we have a lot of room to grow!

With regard to tolerance and

September 23: Following-up on Sunday’s Mass

When St. James encouraged us on Sunday (James 3, 16f) to adopt a spiritual wisdom (from above) and leave earthly wisdom behind, he said there are certain things that ideally mark the life of the follower of Jesus. These seven