We are grateful that God’s wisdom fills His Church. One expression of that wisdom is our Catholic Social Teaching. That Teaching reinforces and clarifies the role and dignity of work, and the rights of workers. Our longstanding tradition holds that …
We recently spent five straight Sundays with St. John’s 6th chapter. Today we begin a series of five weeks with (second) readings from the Letter of St. James. In his letter, St. James addresses the whole Christian Church in …
La vida y las enseñanzas de Jesús son una invitación a volver a una “religión profética” que tiene su centro en el corazón que trata de escuchar a Dios para hacer lo que Él quiera. Una religión del corazón no …
The Scriptures the Church will offer us this Sunday, including the Gospel passage from Mark 7, 1-8. 14-15. 21-23, will invite us to understand better that “true religion” is not simply a scrupulous, external observance of rules, laws, traditions, …
Through the ages, one of the more popular “subjects” of Christian art, especially in paintings and mosaics, has been the scene at the banks of the Jordan River – with St. John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Within a few years …
St. Augustine was born in 354 A.D. in the Northern African town of Tagaste. A brilliant and passionate scholar, he taught rhetoric in Carthage and later in Rome and Milan until his early 30’s. As he acknowledged with extreme candor …
Saint Monica, whose feastday we celebrate today, was an extraordinary woman. Her influence on her son, St. Augustine of Hippo, was so great and important in the early Church, that upon acclamation of his sainthood, St. Monica was also honored …
The actress Dolores Hart, who was once hailed as “the next Grace Kelly,” gave Elvis Presley his first on-screen kiss and worked alongside leading men like Montgomery Clift, Anthony Quinn, and Marlon Brando – just to name a few. In …
It has been said that there is only one purpose for St. John’s Gospel: to confirm who Jesus is. The entirety of the Gospel, in fact, is an answer to the question, “Who is He?” And St. John’s 6th…
Diariamente, tenemos que tomar muchas decisiones, a veces menos importantes (qué camisa me pongo, qué libro leo o qué película voy a ver), a veces muy importantes (voy o no voy a Misa, tomo esa cosa que no es …