Today we celebrate the feastday of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order (the Society of Jesus). He was on his way to military fame and fortune when a cannon ball shattered his leg. Having seen the …
Pope Francis has obviously said a good number of encouraging and hopeful things during his Papacy, but one of the things that has drawn a lot of attention is his reminder that we should be slow to judge. It can …
For centuries, the Church celebrated the feastday of St. Martha on July 29th. There was never any mention of her siblings, who shared her home in Bethany. Recent changes in the liturgical calendar have prompted the recognition of …
Here, in the middle of the summer, the Church invites us to ponder (for five Sundays in a row) St. John’s 6th chapter. Over the centuries, the whole chapter has taken on the name “The Bread of Life Discourse.” …
De manera única, alrededor de la Mesa Eucarística del domingo, estamos todos juntos, reunidos como un cuerpo por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Estamos unidos, según San Pablo, en un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo Bautismo, y un …
We often say that “what we have to give” will never be enough, it couldn’t really make a difference, or it would be just a small drop in a very big ocean. And all of that is complete nonsense. We …
A partir el domingo que viene, iniciaremos la lectura de un capítulo muy importante del Evangelio de San Juan: el discurso sobre el Pan de Vida, en el que escucharemos una palabra que explica quién es Jesús, y qué es …
We celebrate “World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly” on the fourth Sunday of July, which is close to today’s feastday of Saints Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ grandparents. Pope Francis established the day in 2021 to highlight …
St. James and his brother St. John, the sons of Zebedee, were fishermen in Galilee when they responded to the call from Jesus, left their nets, and followed. Along with St. Peter, they are cited in the Gospels as witnesses …