Month: July 2022

27 de julio: La Peregrinación Penitencial del Papa Francisco

El Papa Francisco continúa su viaje apostólico a Canadá, que está realizando del 24 al 30 de julio, en donde visitará las ciudades de Edmonton, Quebec, e Iqaluit, para reunirse con católicos del país, poblaciones indígenas, y las autoridades civiles.

25 de julio: Santiago, Apóstol

Hoy la Iglesia Universal celebra la Fiesta de Santiago. Él se hizo discípulo de Jesús juntamente con su hermano Juan. Él fue, con Pedro y Juan, uno de los Apóstoles más cercanos e íntimos de Jesús. Fue testigo de la

July 25: St. James, Apostle

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. James, the Apostle. He was the son of Zebedee the fisherman and Salome, the sister/cousin of Jesus’ mother, and the brother of John, the Evangelist and Apostle.

St. James was one of

July 24: The Day of the Lord (Seventeenth Sunday of the Year)

Through His prayer, “the Our Father,” Jesus gives us a new vision of human relationships. He affirms that we all, irrespective of our color, creed or social background, are the children of God and, thereby, are brothers and sisters. When

July 23-24: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

St. Luke (11, 1-13) tells us today that Jesus is at prayer when someone comes and asks Him to teach them how to pray. They do not ask Jesus what He is praying about, so notice that what He teaches

July 22: St. Mary Magdalene

On this Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, we are reminded that she went to the tomb early Easter Sunday morning. She was not able to recognize the Risen Jesus until He called her by name. Gradual recognition and understanding,