Month: March 2021

March 24: God’s Love Shining Through Us

Many of us grew up hearing the hymn “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love.” Using modern standards, there are some who criticize the song as “dated” and “kind of cheesy!” Nonetheless, doesn’t it stir up memories of

24 de marzo: La Verdadera Libertad

En los Evangelios, Jesús repetidamente nos enseña el núcleo y el sentido de la verdadera “libertad.” Ser libre es, por oposición, no ser esclavo. Esclavo es el dependiente, el que tiene secuestrada su libre voluntad y se reduce a ser

March 23: Behold the Wood of the Cross

We often talk about Lent as a forty-day pilgrimage through a “spiritual desert.” In the Book of Numbers (21,4-9), we read about the bronze serpent which was lifted up by Moses during the Israelites’ forty-year pilgrimage to the

23 de marzo: La Cruz de Cristo

Es una verdad incontestable que solamente la fe salva. En la historia de los israelitas, ellos mostraron cuánto creían en esta verdad. Mientras iban caminando y vagando por el desierto, se rebelaron contra Dios. El mismo Dios los castigó enviándoles

22 de marzo: Apoya a los Migrantes y Refugiados

La historia de la humanidad es una historia del pueblo de Dios en movimiento. Los israelitas escapando de Egipto. La Sagrada Familia huyendo de Herodes. Una y otra vez, las Sagradas Escrituras narran momentos de migración forzada. Hoy en día, …

March 22: Immigration

“Long ago I gave these commands to my people: ‘You must see that justice is done, and must show kindness and mercy to one another. Do not oppress widows, orphans, or foreigners who live among you, or anyone else in

March 20-21: Preparing to Celebrate this Weekend’s Mass

Have you ever thought about the fact that every sickness, every ailment, and every evil that has tried to separate us from God or from one another was challenged and conquered by Jesus in the Gospels? Lepers were cleansed and

March 19: Feast of St. Joseph

We rejoice in celebrating the Feast of the Patron Saint of the Universal Church: St. Joseph! The Church, from the beginning, has given him great honor and has recognized how special he is in God’s plan. His whole life was

19 de marzo: Fiesta de San José

La Iglesia celebra hoy la solemnidad de San José y la fiesta se enmarca dentro del tiempo cuaresmal.

Nos acercamos con cariño a la figura de San José. Sin duda, nos ayudará a meditar el significado del misterio salvífico del