Month: June 2020

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

“There is in the Sacred Heart the symbol and express image of the infinite love of Jesus Christ which moves us to love in return.” – Pope Leo XIII

Across time and cultures, the heart has symbolized a variety of

Hope in Action

In keeping with the tradition at the Knight Cancer Center at Good Samaritan Hospital, Fr. Mark got to “ring himself out” at the clinic today. The staff at the clinic has a Captain’s Bell and all patients get to ring

La Esperanza

“Incluso nos jactamos de nuestras aflicciones, sabiendo que la aflicción produce resistencia, y la resistencia, el carácter probado y el carácter probado, la esperanza y la esperanza no decepciona, porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones


“We even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit

Anticipating the Feast of Corpus Christi

The Feast of The Body and Blood of Christ is about communion, and by that we mean more than “a little, consecrated wafer of bread.” Communion, in our faith tradition, does not refer solely to the act of eating the

Pensamientos Breves Sobre la Eucaristía

Concilio Vaticano II: “Es el don más grande que el Señor ha ofrecido a su Esposa, la Iglesia permanente… Es compendio de las palabras, vida y obra de Jesús, ofrecida al Padre por nosotros… Es gloria de su Cuerpo Resucitado…

San Antonio de Padua

El 13 de junio la Iglesia celebra la fiesta de uno de los santos más conocidos y venerados en el mundo, San Antonio de Padua, a quien según la tradición, se le invoca para hallar objetos perdidos. La tradición se

St. Anthony of Padua

From our friends at the Grotto:

Today, the church remembers St. Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan friar of the 13th century. St. Anthony was both learned in theology and a man of great faith. Popularly, St. Anthony is known

Anchoring Our Hearts

Someone recently shared with us in the parish office this brief reflection: “Finding God in a beautiful sunset or the warm smile of a loved one is fairly easy. To discover God in a pandemic or in festering wounds or