Month: May 2020

Got Hope?

It what must be in the running for “the understatement of the season,” we are passing through the most difficult, unique, and somewhat frightening Easter Season ever! Today’s Scriptures include the line from the First Letter of St. Peter: “Always

May Crowning Live Stream (Friday, May 15 @ 11:15am)

Click below to see a Live Stream of the May Crowning Celebration with Fr. Mark and several of the 8th graders of Holy Cross.

Holy Cross May Crowning @ 11:15am on Fri., May 15 (available on the Holy Cross YouTube

Mayo: Mes de la Virgen

Dios te salve Reina y Madre de misericordia, vida, dulzura y esperanza nuestra; Dios te salve. A ti llamamos los desterrados hijos de Eva; a ti suspiramos, gimiendo y llorando en este valle de lágrimas. ¡Ea pues! Señora y

Saints Among Us

Today marks the Feast of St. Matthias. According to Acts 1,15-26, St. Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers and sisters who had gathered—about 120 of Jesus’ followers. Judas had betrayed his ministry, so it was necessary, Peter

Our Lady of Fatima

On the 103rd anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to three shepherds in this small Portuguese town of Fatima, Pope Francis asked Catholics today to pray to Our Lady of Fatima for an end to the coronavirus

La Virgen de Fátima

Este 13 de mayo, en medio de la pandemia del coronavirus que sigue afectando a más personas, el Papa Francisco pidió a la Virgen de Fátima que muestra a sus hijos la fuerza de su manto protector: “Madre del


“Anything that doesn’t lead us to that –to better know and serve God– is a waste of time.”      Br. Charles de Foucauld

The 14th chapter of St. John’s Gospel is part of “the Last Supper Discourse.” There is something

Daily Readings

For all of us who have more time on our hands and are at home more often these days, resources like Magnificat, The Word Among Us, and The Daily Word are invaluable. Many people also visit the U.S.