Month: May 2020

+Ana and +Kaylee Moreno-Hernandez

Today, May 22nd, marks the one-year anniversary of the tragic and accidental deaths of Ana and Kaylee Moreno-Hernandez. These two young women, both still teenagers and active members of our parish community and youth groups, died in an

Los Sacramentos

Dios nos ha regalado grandes dones en los Sacramentos. Estos encuentros con Jesucristo mismo tienen el potencial para cambiar nuestra vida cuando estamos abiertos a la gracia que se nos ofrece. Hay muchas personas ahora que están pensando, ¿cómo podemos

The Sacraments p. 2

Our Baptism is much like the grand “moments of grace” experienced by our Israelite ancestors, whether passing through the Red Sea or crossing the Jordan. Christian Baptism takes its cue from those experiences. How, then, can we remind ourselves of,

Do We Really Need to Keep Repeating This?

From the Catholic News Agency: Although some people have raised objections to wearing masks as the U.S. continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, doing so can be an act of charity for one’s neighbor, a Catholic doctor says.

“The simple

The Sacraments

In 16th century Japan, Catholic missionaries converted as many as 300,000 people. But by the end of that century, the Japanese government increasingly saw Catholicism as a threat and began persecuting Catholics. Christianity on the whole was eventually banned,

San Bernardino de Siena

San Bernardino fue el más famoso predicador del 1400 y sus sermones sirvieron de modelos de predicación para muchos oradores en los siglos siguientes. De joven, se afilió a una asociación piadosa llamada “Devotos de Nuestra Señora” que

Alive with the Spirit of God’s Love

St. Bernardine of Siena was like a human dynamo who took on the needs of his world in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. He was considered the greatest preacher of his time, journeying across Italy, calming

El Gran Pastor del Universo

Padre Nuestro, eres digno de toda alabanza. Cuando miramos el mundo y su historia descubrimos tu presencia y tu Espíritu, sobre todo en este Tiempo de Pascua, cuando tu Hijo ha resucitado.

Tú eres, Dios Padre, el gran Pastor del

A Prayer for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

A prayer inspired by 1 Peter 3,15: “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.”

Lord Jesus, help us hope for light when we are totally in the dark…
