Month: April 2020

The Good Shepherd

“Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side. With your rod and your staff that give me courage.” Psalm 23

Who hasn’t felt a deep sense of solidarity over these

Tiempo Pascual

“Pascua” significa que somos personas transformadas. Y todos estos domingos son Domingos de Pascua para recordarnos que Pascua no es un solo domingo, un solo día. Pascua no es solo una celebración, sino una manera de vivir.

El cristianismo comienza


“Cuando estaban a la mesa, tomó pan, pronunció la bendicion, lo partió, y se lo dio. Entonces se les abrieron los ojos y lo reconocieron.” Lucas 24,13-35

Muchas veces nosotros hemos tenido la misma tentación de los discípulos de Emaús:


“While He was with them at table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight.” Luke 24,13-35

Has it

De la Desilusión a la Esperanza

Tanto en formas pequeñas como en formas más significativas, la pandemia de COVID-19 ha traído la muerte de Cristo a todos nosotros. Los sufrimientos y sacrificios de muchos han abierto una vía de gracia por la cual podemos crecer en

Making Present the Gift of Jesus

How true are these words? We want our lives to return to normal. And we especially want to go back to church and the sacraments. Priests throughout this Archdiocese (and your pastor, too) are telling the truth when we say,

From Across the Country

With all the supposed “support” for opening things up and, somehow, getting the economy started again, the Bishops of Georgia have responded with some sound advice:

“Knowing how much Catholics everywhere are yearning to return to the Eucharist and to

“Beloved, Let Us Love One Another”

Despite the old saying that “everything comes and goes, there is nothing that lasts forever,” we know by faith that the love of God, indeed lasts forever. Pope Francis has said, “There is in fact Someone who is stronger than

Fuertes en la Tribulación

El Vaticano y el Santo Padre Francisco han publicado un libro: Fuertes en la Tribulación. Este libro quisiera ser una pequeña ayuda ofrecida a todos, para que sepamos ver y experimentar la cercanía y la ternura de Dios en