Month: March 2020

En el Momento de Crisis~

Mis Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

Estoy muy feliz de saludarlos a todos, aunque los saludo en estos tiempos difíciles y desafiantes para nuestro mundo, nuestro país, nuestra Iglesia, y ciertamente nuestra parroquia.

Quiero que sepan que la decisión …

Take a Moment…

Trusting that we all miss being able to gather in our parish church, here is a reminder that it is still standing and waiting for the day when it will be filled again with worshipers. ~Fr. Mark




Friday, March 20th~

Fridays during Lent have always been special days of prayer and abstinence, with fasting included, so as to enter more fully into the penance and penitence of these holy days. In this time of crisis, it would be wrong to …

Thursday, March 19th: The Feast of St. Joseph~

A note from Fr. Mark: I’m sure you feel as I do, the great sadness of this time. Many of us have never experienced such a situation before in our lives. We are reminded during times like this that we …

Reflection on God’s Holy Word for April 2020

You are invited to reflect on the Sunday readings for April with members of our community. We will gather on April 4th at 9am in the Parish Office. We will be especially  reflecting on Holy Week and Easter during this …