March 23: St. Turibius of Mogrovejo

Catholics throughout the world (and especially in Latin America) celebrate today the life and ministry of St. Turibius of Mogrovejo today. The 16th century bishop upheld the rights of Peru’s indigenous peoples, and became one of the first canonized saints of the Americas. He was born in Spain in 1538. He studied law and eventually served as a judge for five years. It is said that his judicial wisdom and diligence drew the attention of King Philip II, who wanted Turibius – who was still a layman – to be consecrated as a missionary Archbishop for the Spanish colony of Peru. Turibius protested, but he had little choice but to comply. He was consecrated as a Bishop in 1581, at the age of 43, and immediately left for Lima, Peru.

As his life in the Americas unfolded, the new Archbishop became for the Indigenous people “a herald of the Gospel” who held their lives as more precious than their country’s supplies of gold and silver. But to the many colonists whose behavior showed no sign of their Catholic origins, he was a prophetic scourge – whose efforts to awaken the public conscience earned him rebukes and opposition. In a Christ-like way, he was tireless in defending the Way of the Gospel and willingly bore the Cross for the salvation of “his” people.

St. Turibius, pray for us.

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